Why do you like driving your old truck?

Lately, I have been working on a new woodworking project. It’s nothing amazing, but it’s something that I have never done before. It is requiring new wood cutting pattern. There is something called dados. I am needing to cut dados equally spaced on a strip of wood which has a thickness of a dado grove. In simpler terms, this process requires very precise measurements and cuts. Therefore, I am trying to use new tools.

Photo by Yusuf Gündüz.

Using new tools requires new skills, Which requires time and effort. When you have done all that and started working on the project, most of the times things don’t come out as you imagined. Let me tell you, this is a very painful situation. This is the moment of truth. Truth that everything in this material world has limitations. There are two things possible at this moment: you either give up the project, which is disheartening, or you will accept the limitations of the tool or the technique. And then come up with a new procedure. Of course, your expectations need recalibration.

Perhaps, this theme overlaps interpersonal relationships, business management, or any activity for that matter. There is always a testing phase, then accepting the limitations, and then recalibrating the process or your expectations.

Is this why you still love driving your old truck?

By Raj H.

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